ExpertCare (EC) is a clinical decision support tool that automates the collection of personalized information for hypertensive patients, saving time and reducing clinical resource use. It provides prescribing recommendations tailored to patient-specific data and NICE guidelines, including for those with multiple comorbidities. Clinicians retain full control over prescribing decisions and can accept or reject EC’s suggestions.
For an average 9,000 patient GP practice ExpertCare can
Crown Commercial Service's G-Cloud 13 Framework
NHS Digital Approved Supplier
UK Government's Cyber Essentials Plus Certification
GDPR Compliant
Using coded patient data from clinical systems, ExpertCare requires 3 simple steps to help you achieve NICE compliance for every hypertensive patient.
Sharing the load
Peace of mind, knowing that your nurses and pharmacists are getting it right every time with minimal GP input.
Improving practice profits
For every 7,400 registered patients saving £20,000 plus on reduced GP manhours.
Improving patient outcomes
Managing hypertension in compliance with NICE ensures your patients with an improved quality of life.
Saving healthcare costs
The NHS could save £14,000 p.a. for a 9,000 patient practice by reducing heart attacks & strokes.
Improving medical jurisprudence
Maintain a treatment audit for each patient demonstrating compliance with NICE.
A worthwhile investment
For an investment of £1,850 per annum for a 7,400 patient practice, save £20,000 plus per annum – 10 x return.
DXS ExpertCare is an expert system which provides prescribing advice with the dual objectives of controlling the patient’s blood pressure to an appropriate target, whilst also achieving conformance with treatments recommended by NICE for the management of hypertension and relevant comorbidities.
Unlike other clinical decision support software which makes recommendations based on one comorbidity at a time, ExpertCare will make a recommendation based on any combination of the following conditions:
ExpertCare thus overcomes one of the main criticisms of NICE, that the guidelines are monothematic, and therefore difficult to implement in real-world situations where patients have comorbidities.
The six conditions listed above have been chosen for the following reasons:
ExpertCare interprets the patient’s coded electronic record to infer the presence of any condition which might influence the treatment of hypertension and provides context sensitive advice taken from the SPC of all drugs used in the treatment of hypertension.
The clinician is notified of
However, it is up to the prescriber to evaluate this information based on clinical context. For example, childhood asthma might be a caution to the issue of a beta-blocker whereas current asthma would be a contraindication.
The prescriber can continue a hypertension drug for any indication but will be asked for a reason which will be recorded for the benefit of future users. Further recommendations by ExpertCare will take into consideration the retained drug. For example, clonidine retained for the prophylaxis of migraine.
ExpertCare does not duplicate the functionality of the GP healthcare record where interactions are highlighted when a new drug is added. In our next version of ExpertCare, we will add warnings to flag up the risk of bradycardia with certain drug combinations. Similarly, we will also indicate when there is an increased likelihood of hyperkalaemia.
ExpertCare will record the reason for not taking a drug class to inform future consultations. The clinician can then ask for a further recommendation. In this situation, ExpertCare is sophisticated in that it always makes recommendations which support the effective management of relevant comorbidity. For example, a patient with hypertension and atrial fibrillation, who opts not to take a beta-blocker, will be recommended a rate-limiting calcium channel blocker instead.
ExpertCare has the functionality to indicate a drug which belongs to a local formulary.
You will have access to reports on your hypertensive patients, including those with related comorbidities, that tell you: